IT Operations Management: How to Monitor Remote Workstations for Tech Issues

IT Operations Management: How to Monitor Remote Workstations for Tech Issues

Workstations are specialized computers designed to handle tasks that conventional computers would struggle with. These tasks often include the design of complex 3D models, LLM models, and computationally intensive simulations. Due to the critical nature of these tasks, continuous remote workstation monitoring is required. A malfunction in one of these high-performance machines can significantly impact a company’s operations and productivity.

The IT monitoring solutions market is experiencing substantial growth, forecasted to escalate from USD 24.5 billion in 2023 to USD 63.7 billion by 2028, marking a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21.1% during this period. This surge underscores the essential role of advanced monitoring tools across various sectors, offering comprehensive insights into IT infrastructures. 

These tools span a vast array of functionalities, including network monitoring for device and bandwidth tracking, server monitoring for resource usage assessment, application performance monitoring (APM) for app health analysis, and many more. Their capabilities extend to ensuring cloud performance, centralizing log data for effective troubleshooting, enhancing security, and facilitating proactive issue resolution through real-time system monitoring and alerts. Such a wide-ranging utility underscores their indispensability for optimizing performance, ensuring reliability, and enhancing user experiences.

Monitoring Tools Market Global Growth Drivers & Opportunities, Statistics

Source: Monitoring Tools Market Global Growth Drivers & Opportunities, Statistics

Setronica, a leading provider of bespoke IT solutions, was enlisted by a multinational corporation to develop a monitoring system for their high-performance workstations. With operations spanning complex 3D modeling, LLM modeling, and computationally intensive simulations, the client recognized the critical importance of ensuring uninterrupted performance and reliability across their remote workstation fleet.

Client’s Requirements for Workstation Monitoring Solution

Setronica embarked on a mission to design and implement a sophisticated monitoring system tailored to the unique requirements of high-performance workstation management, aimed at optimizing performance and productivity:

  1. Early detection of technical problems. Monitoring remote workstations can help in the early identification of issues with hardware or software before they escalate, reducing downtime and maintaining continuous workflow.
  2. Ensuring software updates and security. It ensures that all devices are running the latest software versions and security patches, protecting against vulnerabilities and cyber threats.
  3. Optimizing performance. Monitoring allows companies to assess the performance of devices and networks, identifying any bottlenecks or inefficiencies that may be slowing down work processes.
  4. Data backup and recovery. Regular monitoring includes checking that data backup systems are functioning correctly, ensuring that critical work data can be recovered in case of data loss incidents.
  5. Compliance with data protection regulations. Monitoring helps in ensuring compliance with data protection laws and regulations by tracking how data is accessed and used, preventing unauthorized access and data breaches.
  6. Resource allocation. Understanding the technical resources remote employees use most can help in making informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring that everyone has the tools they need to work effectively.
  7. Supporting remote troubleshooting. By monitoring technical aspects, remote IT support can more effectively troubleshoot issues remotely, reducing the need for in-person intervention.
  8. Maintaining a quality work environment. Ensuring that technical issues are promptly addressed helps in maintaining a high-quality work environment for remote employees, contributing to job satisfaction and retention.

Setronica’s Monitoring System Upgrade

Setronica has successfully leveraged its expertise in development and operations to devise a sophisticated monitoring system upgrade, characterized by its advanced features and functionalities. This enhanced system facilitates the collection of additional metrics, significantly improving the maintenance of working machines. It is adept at detecting instances of computer overheating, recommending when to clean the cooling system, or advising on the replacement of thermal paste.

Components and Solution

To achieve an effective PC monitoring system, several critical components were identified as necessary:

  • Metric collector: Acts as the backbone of the system, gathering data for analysis.
  • Database: Stores the collected data for future retrieval and analysis.
  • Visualization tool: Aids in the effective presentation of data, making it easier to interpret.
  • Automated alert systems: Ensure timely notifications are made in response to critical system events.

For its implementation, Setronica selected Telegraf as the metric collector, owing to its compatibility with major operating systems – Linux, Mac, and Windows. Telegraf’s adaptability is further enhanced by its support for multiple plugins, facilitating the collection of a wide range of information. Despite this, the team also developed custom scripts to capture some specific data types. The configurations necessary for data collection are meticulously stored on a server, facilitating easy system upgrades when required. Telegraf is designed to only send the essential data as defined by its configuration upon launch, and it efficiently transmits data over the internet, eliminating the need for complex data access mechanisms.

When tasked with upgrading the client’s existing PC monitoring system, Setronica transitioned the old infrastructure to InfluxDB v2.7. This move empowered the client with enhanced data analysis capabilities, particularly around the detection and management of overheating issues. To achieve this, the team undertook the development of complex tasks aimed at autonomous data processing.

Despite initially considering Chronograf for working with InfluxDB, its limitations led the team to opt for Grafana instead. Grafana stands out as a superior data visualization tool, primarily due to its compatibility with a wide array of data sources and its ability to monitor servers and workstations through a unified solution. The introduction of Grafana brought about the inclusion of a dashboard designed for visual data analysis and event alerts, significantly enhancing the system’s overall functionality and user experience.

Through this comprehensive upgrade, Setronica has not only improved the operational efficiency of the monitoring system but also provided a scalable and versatile solution that meets the evolving needs of its clients.


The previous monitoring solution was limited in its capacity, primarily monitoring only the maximum temperature of the CPU. This approach was not optimal for modern systems, which can regulate temperature dynamically. Short-term temperature spikes, which could be critical under certain circumstances, went undetected due to the lack of real-time tracking capabilities.

The introduction of real-time monitoring of key performance metrics, complete with automated alerting mechanisms, marked a significant improvement. This new system provided the client with timely insights into workstation health and performance, enabling proactive IT maintenance and troubleshooting. It represented a leap in the ability to monitor and respond to system health indicators effectively.

The enhanced system employs a sophisticated algorithm that analyzes data sequences to identify PCs experiencing throttling issues with their CPU. This analysis is visualized in a screenshot that groups data according to time periods, illustrating the dynamics of the issue and allowing for a more detailed analysis. Users can delve into specifics for each PC, with the algorithm considering a range of parameters, including temperature, CPU frequency, and CPU load. This granularity in data analysis facilitates a thorough understanding of each workstation’s condition.

For a more focused analysis, the system offers the capability to filter out PCs without issues, allowing IT personnel to concentrate on those requiring attention. A PC not listed is considered to be in good condition and does not require immediate intervention. This feature streamlines the troubleshooting process, ensuring that resources are directed where they are most needed.

In instances where PCs are identified with heating problems, the system automatically generates a task for the technical support department. This prompt action ensures that maintenance can be scheduled in a timely manner, preventing further issues or damage.

The old system’s limitations, particularly its inability to perform on-the-go calculations and lack of flexible alert and visualization functionalities, are effectively addressed by this upgrade. The new monitoring solution not only enhances the capability to detect and respond to issues, but also significantly improves the overall efficiency of managing workstation health and performance.

Feedback and Addressing Concerns

The client has received predominantly positive feedback from their employees regarding the installation of the performance monitoring software. Employees have reported that the system has motivated them to seek service and repair for their machines. 

Despite these positive outcomes, there are concerns among some individuals regarding data security. To address these concerns, the company is implementing stringent data protection measures, ensuring that all information remains secure and confidential.

Future Enhancements

Setronica’s robust monitoring system provided the client with actionable insights into workstation performance optimization, enabling them to evaluate resource allocation, minimize downtime, and maximize productivity. As for future enhancements, they can include:

  • Integration of comprehensive IT monitoring features: remote desktop access and performance profiling, to further enhance visibility and control over workstation environments.
  • Implementation of advanced predictive maintenance for workstations, with strategies leveraging historical performance data and predictive analytics algorithms.
  • Expansion of the monitoring system to encompass a broader range of workstation types and configurations, catering to evolving business requirements and technological advancements.

Want to Power-Boost Your Remote Workstations?

Don’t let technical issues hold your team back. Contact Setronica today to discover how our workstation health monitoring solution can transform your technical issue management and propel your business forward.

At Setronica, our expertise lies in addressing the unique obstacles faced by clients within the energy sector and beyond. By harnessing advanced technologies and employing premier strategies, we will help your business achieve superior levels of efficiency, security, and robustness.

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      Setronica is a software engineering company that provides a wide range of services, from software products to core business applications. We offer consulting, development, testing, infrastructure support, and cloud management services to enterprises. We apply the knowledge, skills, and Agile methodology of project management to integrate software development and business objectives effectively and efficiently.