What Do You Hope To Gain From A Mentoring Program?

What Do You Hope To Gain From A Mentoring Program?

In the previous article, I discussed various methods for obtaining a mentor online. You can access it here. In this article, I will examine the objectives of developers in seeking mentorship programs. Additionally, the type of program, whether individual or team, plays a significant role in the selection of a mentoring partner. What do developers hope to gain from mentorship programs?

Objectives of Mentorship Programs

Technical mentoring in IT is usually covering a transition to object-oriented programming (OOP) and the SOLID principles, or a shift from backend to frontend technologies. A full-stack developer is not just a specialist in backend and frontend development; they must also possess a set of DevOps and soft skills. DevOps technical skills are frequently a priority for mentoring services.

In addition to technical skills, developers require career advancement and skill enhancement, especially during job transitions. A middle-skilled developer applying for a senior role may seek assistance in navigating these transitions. IT professionals may find themselves in situations where they need to switch jobs. A good mentor can provide guidance and support throughout this process.

Soft Skills and Competence Matrices

Soft skills are the most seen feature of all IT competence matrices. It is interesting to examine competence matrices that measure developers’ skill sets when applying for a new job or role. In the context of hiring and the advancement of developers’ skills, competence matrices are employed to assess and enhance individual capabilities. It is clear to Setronica that developers and teams require assistance in developing their leadership skills. Feedback and mentorship are also frequently employed in mentorship programs.

A mentor must also seek guidance from a mentor in order to enhance their own skill set. Similarly to the case of typical developer skills, levels are categorized as junior to senior. Following a mentorship program, you will have acquired knowledge regarding the appropriate soft skills in specific situations and will have a clear picture of your own abilities as a mentor. Sounds like a win-win scenario for the mentee.

Practical Tips for Maximizing Mentorship Programs

1. Set Clear Goals:

  • Before starting the mentorship, define what you want to achieve. Whether it’s mastering a new technology, improving soft skills, or advancing your career, clear goals will help you and your mentor stay focused.

2. Be Proactive:

  • Take the initiative in your mentorship relationship. Schedule regular check-ins, ask for feedback, and apply what you learn.

3. Seek Feedback:

  • Continuous improvement is key. Regularly seek feedback from your mentor on your progress and areas of improvement.

4. Embrace Challenges:

  • Use mentorship as an opportunity to try out challenging projects or roles that push you out of your comfort zone.

Choosing the Right Mentor

How can you know which mentor is the most suitable for you? At Setronica, the company employs JobEQ tests and professional human resources personnel in the hiring process. Consequently, it is possible to select a mentor in a manner that is appropriate for the mentorship program in question. It is of the biggest importance to be honest at the beginning of the process, as this allows us to identify the most suitable mentor for the role in question.

By understanding the appropriate motivation and selecting the optimal mentor, Setronica can ensure compatibility. The selection of a mentor for individual work is relatively straightforward, but the same principles can be applied to an entire team of software developers. This is where our distinctive expertise becomes evident. Rather than focusing on client projects, our expertise is applied to mentoring services for developers. How does it work?

Furthermore, the opportunity to gain insight into your own characteristics through JobEQ tests represents another benefit of participation in our Setronica mentorship program. There are numerous advantages for developers and teams alike. Some of these advantages are gained through mentorship, while others are inherent benefits. 

Thank you for reading and good luck in search of your mentor!


1. How can a mentoring program help with career transitions?

A mentoring program can provide guidance, support, and advice during job transitions. Mentors can help with resume building, interview preparation, and identifying the right career opportunities.

2. What role do competence matrices play in mentoring?

Competence matrices help assess and enhance individual capabilities by measuring technical and soft skills. They are used for identifying areas for improvement and tracking progress over time.

 How does Setronica ensure the right mentor-mentee match?

Setronica employs JobEQ tests and professional HR personnel to identify the most suitable mentor for each mentee. This ensures compatibility and effective mentorship outcomes.

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Kristijan Pušić

IT consultant and Business developer

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    Setronica is a software engineering company that provides a wide range of services, from software products to core business applications. We offer consulting, development, testing, infrastructure support, and cloud management services to enterprises. We apply the knowledge, skills, and Agile methodology of project management to integrate software development and business objectives effectively and efficiently.