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How to Efficiently Scale Your Startup's Tech Stack for Maximum Growth

How to Efficiently Scale Your Startup’s Tech Stack for Maximum Growth

When scaling your IT startup, choosing the right tech stack is crucial to ensure efficiency, flexibility, and long-term growth.

Shine in Your Interview: 3 Dos and Don’ts to Prove Your Competence with Confidence

Shine in Your Interview: 3 Dos and Don’ts to Prove Your Competence with Confidence

With 12 years of experience in the HR field, I have conducted countless interviews.

Elevator Pitch: How to "Sell" Yourself in One Minute

Elevator Pitch: How to “Sell” Yourself in One Minute

All of us have faced the existential question “Who am I?” when meeting a new person, or when being interviewed and asked to “Tell me about yourself”.

9 Best Places to Find Free Datasets for Your Next Project

9 Best Places to Find Free Datasets for Your Next Project

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across the globe, from autonomous vehicles to advanced medical diagnostics.

9 Key Measures to Protect Digital Assets and Ensure Data Integrity

9 Key Measures to Protect Digital Assets and Ensure Data Integrity

Digital transformation represents a significant shift in the way an IT company operates, impacting every aspect of the IT business from operations to customer engagement.

8 Cloud Transformation Strategies for Large Enterprises

8 Cloud Transformation Strategies for Large Enterprises

Migrating legacy systems to the cloud is a critical move for large enterprises aiming to enhance flexibility, scalability, and efficiency of their software solutions.

IT and English: Top 5 Reasons Why an IT Professional Should Be Proficient in English

IT and English: Top 5 Reasons Why an IT Professional Should Be Proficient in English 

I’m sure everyone has wondered: Why do I need English?

Toxic Productivity No Rest for the Wicked

Toxic Productivity: No Rest for the Wicked

Productivity is usually about how many tasks you can complete in a certain time, like writing texts, doing code reviews, or making calls.

7 Ways to Become A Better Software Engineer Mentor

7 Ways to Become A Better Software Engineer Mentor

Continuous learning and mentorship in IT has always been a cornerstone of a software developer’s career.

Mastering Elasticsearch Indexing: How Setronica Fine-tuned Search Engine Performance

Mastering Elasticsearch Indexing: How Setronica Fine-tuned Search Engine Performance

Elasticsearch is a search engine that has become a go-to solution for storing, searching, and analyzing large volumes of data.


Setronica is a software engineering company that provides a wide range of services, from software products to core business applications. We offer consulting, development, testing, infrastructure support, and cloud management services to enterprises. We apply the knowledge, skills, and Agile methodology of project management to integrate software development and business objectives effectively and efficiently.