7 Ways to Become A Better Software Engineer Mentor

7 Ways to Become A Better Software Engineer Mentor

Continuous learning and mentorship in IT has always been a cornerstone of a software developer’s career. From the dawn of computing at the end of World War II in the last century to the present day. Developers in the 20th and 21st centuries alike have been tracked and measured on their capacity for continuous learning and mentorship. 

Continuous learning and mentorship drive the rapid advancement of IT. Being a mentor is being able to continuously learn new things and share them with mentees.  In this article, I will discuss 7 ways to stay up to date and improve as a software engineer mentor in today’s IT environment.

1. Embrace Performance Management Software

Performance management software is an essential tool for mentors to utilize effectively in their day-to-day work. Many IT companies still don’t leverage these tools that integrate with platforms like Jira and Git to track developer performance in one place. These tools can highlight areas where code review bottlenecks occur. For example, such as when pull requests are left unapproved for extended periods of time. Usage of automatic acceptance of PRs is definitely a way to go. 

Performance management software helps mentors and C-level executives get faster, more accurate insights into development progress, bringing business objectives closer to the development process. Mentors inside an IT company are the ones that need to drive this change. Mentors are responsible for this know-how on what statistics are relevant and important to one developer. How they relate to each other and their overall effect on the business part of any project. 

2. Incorporate JobEQ Assessments

JobEQ assessments should be a fundamental part of the human resources department toolkit. It is very much needed, especially for guiding developers through their careers. These JobEQ assessments provide insights into personal strengths, work styles, and areas for development. They enable mentors to tailor their guidance more effectively. Regularly utilizing JobEQ assessments can help mentors support their mentees in navigating their career paths with greater clarity and confidence.

JobEQ assessment

We have four types of mentors, with each of them having their own JobEQ measured skill set. Career and technical mentors go alongside motivational mentors and mentor innovators. You can read more about it in a Setronica case study

3. Use Quality Competency Matrices

Competency matrices are invaluable for tracking a developer’s career progression. These matrices provide a clear framework for evaluating skills across various dimensions, ensuring that both technical and soft skills are developed systematically. By employing competency matrices, mentors can create personalized development plans that align with both the company’s needs and the individual’s career goals.

4. Contribute to an IT Company Blog

Writing articles for the IT company blog can significantly enhance your mentoring skills. Sharing knowledge through blog posts not only positions you as a thought leader but also helps you articulate complex concepts clearly and concisely. This practice can refine your ability to explain ideas to your mentees and provide valuable content that benefits the broader development community. It is a good thing to plan topics with a mentee. Those topics need to collide with postings on a company blog. To start a new topic with the mentee in this way helps build a long term relationship with a mentee. It’s handy to prepare a few months of topics ahead of time. 

5. Engage on LinkedIn

Usually people avoid speaking their mind publically, so breaking this barrier is crucial for further development. Staying active on platforms like LinkedIn is crucial for a software engineer mentor. Commenting on industry-related posts, sharing insights, and participating in discussions can broaden your perspective and keep you updated on the latest trends. Setronica’s LinkedIn page is a good example of building a professional community.

Firstly, engaging with the community helps build your professional network. Secondly, it provides additional resources and perspectives that you can bring back to your mentorship. Having built a quality networking platform account is essential for any mentor and IT company he works for. Benefits for the IT company on business levels are obvious and measurable in this case. Mentees need to pick up good habits from their mentors! Luckily, it happens by itself, since mentees often emulate the habits of their mentors.

6. Create and Participate in an IT Mentorship Program

Actively participating in structured mentorship programs can also enhance your skills. These programs often provide frameworks and best practices that can be adapted to your mentorship style. Engaging with other mentors and mentees within these programs can offer new perspectives and techniques, enriching your mentoring approach. If your IT company still doesn’t have a mentorship program up and running, it is a good idea to make the first one.

7. Seek Continuous Feedback and Improvement

Feedback is not only for mentees but also for mentors. Regularly seek feedback from your mentees and peers to understand areas where you can improve. This iterative process of receiving and acting on feedback ensures that you remain an effective and evolving mentor.

By working on these 7 suggested practices, software engineer mentors can significantly enhance their effectiveness. In the end, benefiting their mentees and the broader IT organization. Mentorship itself is a dynamic and reciprocal relationship that requires ongoing commitment and adaptation from participants. As the tech industry continues to evolve, so too must the approaches we take to mentor the next generation of software developers. 

I hope I helped some mentor out here. Please reach me via the form below if you have any suggestions. 


How can mentors effectively use performance management software to support their mentees?

Mentors can use performance management software to identify bottlenecks in the development process, track the progress of pull requests, and gain insights into areas where mentees may need additional support. These tools facilitate data-driven mentoring, enabling more targeted and effective guidance.

What are the benefits of using JobEQ assessments in mentoring?

JobEQ assessments offer detailed insights into a developer’s strengths, weaknesses, and work preferences. By incorporating these assessments, mentors can provide personalized advice that aligns with the mentee’s unique profile, ultimately fostering more effective career development and growth.

Why are competency matrices important for tracking career progression?

Competency matrices provide a structured framework for evaluating and developing both technical and soft skills. They help mentors create clear development plans, ensuring that mentees progress systematically and are prepared for future career opportunities.

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Kristijan Pušić

IT consultant and Business developer

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    Setronica is a software engineering company that provides a wide range of services, from software products to core business applications. We offer consulting, development, testing, infrastructure support, and cloud management services to enterprises. We apply the knowledge, skills, and Agile methodology of project management to integrate software development and business objectives effectively and efficiently.